
Am 31.12.2012 um 19:14 schrieb Joseph Farran:

> Hi All.
> I am running GE 8.1.2 and I have a situation where once in a while ( 2x a 
> week ), Grid Engine forgets about one of the Subordinate queues.
> Everything works as expected where my subordinate queue goes to "S" 
> suspend-mode when a job enters the queue it is subordinate to.    However 
> once in a while Grid Engine Forgets and does not suspend and the node is 
> overloaded.

The queue is not going into the "S" state or the jobs therein are just not 

-- Reuti

> The subordinate setup is correct as this only happens once in a while:
>   # qconf -sq tw | fgrep subordinate
>   subordinate_list      free64=1
> My fix has been to set it back to "none":
>   # qconf -sq tw | fgrep subordinate
>   subordinate_list      NONE
> then back to how it was:
>   # qconf -sq tw | fgrep subordinate
>   subordinate_list      free64=1
> And all is back to normal and the job which was supposed to have been 
> suspended which was not suspended is now suspended correctly and the node is 
> not overloaded.
> Other than running the debugger, anyone else seen this and/or any hints of 
> what may be wrong in my setup?
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