I'm running SoGE v8.1.0 and we notice from time to time that qstat doesn't 
always report all of the jobs that are currently executing.

Is this a known issue with qstat? Is there is a fix for it in newer versions of 
the code?

Here is the context:

This causes a problem to systems we have that poll qstat to determine if jobs 
have completed or not.  In fact I've never noticed the problem when running 
qstat myself, but the problem seems to only present itself to applications that 
are periodically polling qstat.

I know there is a workaround where you can query qacct via "qacct -j 
job_number" to see if the job is done, so I don't necessarily need any 
suggested workarounds.

I'm simply asking if this is a known issue with qstat, and if there is a fix 
for it in newer versions of the code.


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