Investigating my odd 'some commands don't generate output' issue revealed a couple other issues. First, on my old cluster (running OGS 2011.11p2), only a very few hosts are admin hosts -- notably, the exec nodes are not. On those nodes, 'qconf -s' commands still work (i.e. you can list the configuation), but 'qconf -m' commands don't, as you would expect. On my new cluster running SoGE 8.1.9, even 'qconf -s' commands fail on non-admin hosts. If the exec nodes are not admin hosts, this breaks the init.d script, which uses 'qconf -sconf' in the 'GetExecdSpoolDir' function. Was the change to disallow 'qconf -s' commands on non-admin hosts deliberate? I'm not a fan of making every exec host an admin host -- it just seems unnecessary. Is there another option?

Second, in looking through the sgemaster logs, I see a lot of lines like these:

03/25/2017 00:15:27|event_|qb3-mgmt-1|E|no event client known with id 12 to 
process acknowledgements
03/25/2017 01:17:00|worker|qb3-mgmt-1|E|no event client known with id 11 to 

I see a lot more of the first line than the second, and the IDs bounce around in the range of 11-15. Google doesn't yield much -- any ideas?


Joshua Baker-LePain
QB3 Shared Cluster Sysadmin
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