Yup there was one we saw when you have a share tree and turn off the past
usage (basically don't consider past usage) and have both parallel and
serial jobs in the system.  the share tree ended up unbalanced in favour of
the parallel jobs.  Did you guys fix that one too?



On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 7:54 AM William Bryce <bbr...@univa.com> wrote:

> Didn’t know that Mark. That is great. I remember there was more than one
> issue with Sharetree and arrays that we saw but it didn’t happen in the
> default sharetree configuration. I will have to check.
> Regards
> Bill
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Feb 28, 2019, at 4:32 AM, Mark Dixon <m.c.di...@leeds.ac.uk> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Bill,
> >
> > I fixed that share-tree-array-jobs priority problem some time ago,
> unless
> > you're thinking of a different one?
> >
> > https://arc.liv.ac.uk/trac/SGE/ticket/435
> > https://arc.liv.ac.uk/trac/SGE/changeset/4840/sge
> >
> > We use share tree and array jobs all the time with no problems. It made
> it
> > into a Son of Gridengine release.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Mark
> >
> >> On Wed, 27 Feb 2019, William Bryce wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Iyad,
> >>
> >> Reuti is correct the man sge_priority explains how sge calculates the
> >> priority of jobs.  It includes the formula.  I will say that if you
> intend
> >> to use share-tree with Array Jobs (i.e. qsub -t) then you will find out
> >> that the priority calculation is 'wrong' because it does not properly
> >> account for array jobs.  The functional share tree policy does not have
> >> this issue - just the share tree policy.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Bill.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 4:10 PM Kandalaft, Iyad (AAFC/AAC) <
> >> iyad.kandal...@canada.ca> wrote:
> >>
> >>> HI Reuti
> >>>
> >>> I'm implementing only a share-tree.  The docs somewhere state something
> >>> along the lines of use one or the other.
> >>> I've seen the man page as  It explains most of the math but leaves out
> >>> some key elements.  For example, how are "tickets" handed out and in
> what
> >>> quantity (i.e. why do some job get 20000 tickets based on my
> configuration
> >>> below).  Also, the normalization function puts the values between 0
> and 1
> >>> but based on what?  Number of tickets issued to the job divided by the
> >>> total?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for your help.
> >>>
> >>> Iyad Kandalaft
> >>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: Reuti <re...@staff.uni-marburg.de>
> >>> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 4:00 PM
> >>> To: Kandalaft, Iyad (AAFC/AAC) <iyad.kandal...@canada.ca>
> >>> Cc: users@gridengine.org
> >>> Subject: Re: [gridengine users] Fair share policy
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> there is a man page "man sge_priority". Which policy do you intend to
> use:
> >>> share-tree (honors past usage) or functional (current use), or both?
> >>>
> >>> -- Reuti
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Am 25.02.2019 um 15:03 schrieb Kandalaft, Iyad (AAFC/AAC) <
> >>> iyad.kandal...@canada.ca>:
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi all,
> >>>>
> >>>> I recently implemented a fair share policy using share tickets.  I’ve
> >>> been monitoring the cluster for a couple of days using qstat -pri -ext
> -u
> >>> “*” in order to see how the functional tickets are working and it
> seems to
> >>> have the intended effect.  There are some anomalies where some running
> jobs
> >>> have 0 tickets but still get scheduled since there’s free resources; I
> >>> assume this is normal.
> >>>>
> >>>> I’ll admit that I don’t fully understand the scheduling as it’s
> somewhat
> >>> complex.  So, I’m hoping someone can review the configuration to see if
> >>> they can find any glaring issues such as conflicting options.
> >>>>
> >>>> I created a share-tree and gave all users an equal value of 10:
> >>>> $ qconf -sstree
> >>>> id=0
> >>>> name=Root
> >>>> type=0
> >>>> shares=1
> >>>> childnodes=1
> >>>> id=1
> >>>> name=default
> >>>> type=0
> >>>> shares=10
> >>>> childnodes=NONE
> >>>>
> >>>> I modified the scheduling by setting the weight_tickets_share to
> >>> 1000000. I reduced the weight_waiting_time weight_priority
> weight_urgency
> >>> to well below the weight_ticket (what are good values?).
> >>>> $ qconf -ssconf
> >>>> algorithm                         default
> >>>> schedule_interval                 0:0:15
> >>>> maxujobs                          0
> >>>> queue_sort_method                 seqno
> >>>> job_load_adjustments              np_load_avg=0.50
> >>>> load_adjustment_decay_time        0:7:30
> >>>> load_formula                      np_load_avg
> >>>> schedd_job_info                   false
> >>>> flush_submit_sec                  0
> >>>> flush_finish_sec                  0
> >>>> params                            none
> >>>> reprioritize_interval             0:0:0
> >>>> halftime                          168
> >>>> usage_weight_list
>  cpu=0.700000,mem=0.200000,io=0.100000
> >>>> compensation_factor               5.000000
> >>>> weight_user                       0.250000
> >>>> weight_project                    0.250000
> >>>> weight_department                 0.250000
> >>>> weight_job                        0.250000
> >>>> weight_tickets_functional         0
> >>>> weight_tickets_share              1000000
> >>>> share_override_tickets            TRUE
> >>>> share_functional_shares           TRUE
> >>>> max_functional_jobs_to_schedule   200
> >>>> report_pjob_tickets               TRUE
> >>>> max_pending_tasks_per_job         50
> >>>> halflife_decay_list               none
> >>>> policy_hierarchy                  OFS
> >>>> weight_ticket                     0.500000
> >>>> weight_waiting_time               0.000010
> >>>> weight_deadline                   3600000.000000
> >>>> weight_urgency                    0.010000
> >>>> weight_priority                   0.010000
> >>>> max_reservation                   0
> >>>> default_duration                  INFINITY
> >>>>
> >>>> I modified all the users to set the fshare to 1000 $ qconf -muser XXX
> >>>>
> >>>> I modified the general conf to auto_user_fsahre 1000 and
> >>> auto_user_delete_time 7776000 (90 days).  Halftime is set to the
> default 7
> >>> days (I assume I should increase this).  I don’t know if
> >>> auto_user_delete_time even matters.
> >>>> $ qconf -sconf
> >>>> #global:
> >>>> execd_spool_dir              /opt/gridengine/default/spool
> >>>> mailer
> >>> /opt/gridengine/default/commond/mail_wrapper.py
> >>>> xterm                        /usr/bin/xterm
> >>>> load_sensor                  none
> >>>> prolog                       none
> >>>> epilog                       none
> >>>> shell_start_mode             posix_compliant
> >>>> login_shells                 sh,bash
> >>>> min_uid                      100
> >>>> min_gid                      100
> >>>> user_lists                   none
> >>>> xuser_lists                  none
> >>>> projects                     none
> >>>> xprojects                    none
> >>>> enforce_project              false
> >>>> enforce_user                 auto
> >>>> load_report_time             00:00:40
> >>>> max_unheard                  00:05:00
> >>>> reschedule_unknown           00:00:00
> >>>> loglevel                     log_info
> >>>> administrator_mail           none
> >>>> set_token_cmd                none
> >>>> pag_cmd                      none
> >>>> token_extend_time            none
> >>>> shepherd_cmd                 none
> >>>> qmaster_params               none
> >>>> execd_params                 ENABLE_BINDING=true
> >>> \
> >>>>                             H_DESCRIPTORS=16K
> >>>> reporting_params             accounting=true reporting=true \
> >>>>                             flush_time=00:00:15 joblog=true
> >>> sharelog=00:00:00
> >>>> finished_jobs                100
> >>>> gid_range                    20000-20100
> >>>> qlogin_command               /opt/gridengine/bin/rocks-qlogin.sh
> >>>> qlogin_daemon                /usr/sbin/sshd -i
> >>>> rlogin_command               builtin
> >>>> rlogin_daemon                builtin
> >>>> rsh_command                  builtin
> >>>> rsh_daemon                   builtin
> >>>> max_aj_instances             2000
> >>>> max_aj_tasks                 75000
> >>>> max_u_jobs                   0
> >>>> max_jobs                     0
> >>>> max_advance_reservations     0
> >>>> auto_user_oticket            0
> >>>> auto_user_fshare             1000
> >>>> auto_user_default_project    none
> >>>> auto_user_delete_time        7776000
> >>>> delegated_file_staging       false
> >>>> reprioritize                 0
> >>>> jsv_url                      none
> >>>> jsv_allowed_mod              ac,h,i,e,o,j,M,N,p,w
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks for your assistance.
> >>>>
> >>>> Cheers
> >>>>
> >>>> Iyad Kandalaft
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> users mailing list
> >>>> users@gridengine.org
> >>>> https://gridengine.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> users mailing list
> >>> users@gridengine.org
> >>> https://gridengine.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> *William Bryce* | VP of Products
> >> Univa Corporation <http://www.univa.com/> - 130 Esna Park Drive, Second
> >> Floor, Markham, Ontario, Canada
> >> *Email* bbr...@univa.com | *Mobile: 647.974.2841* | *Office:
> 647.478.5974*

*William Bryce* | VP of Products
Univa Corporation <http://www.univa.com/> - 130 Esna Park Drive, Second
Floor, Markham, Ontario, Canada
*Email* bbr...@univa.com | *Mobile: 647.974.2841* | *Office: 647.478.5974*
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