In the message dated: Fri, 07 Aug 2020 16:24:16 -0000,
The pithy ruminations from Ondrej Valousek on 
[Re: [gridengine users] m_mem_free and cgroups] were:
=> Short answer: Use a different tool than stress Long answer: linux kernel
=> is too clever for tests like stress because allocating a memory is
=> one thing (which is taken only like "alright, i'll see what i can do,
=> here is the pointer") but actually _using_ that memory is something
=> completely different.

Yep.  In our environment (SoGE 8.1.9, using "h_vmem") we see the same
thing -- memory allocations in the multi-TB range 'succeed' but SGE
promptly (and correctly) kills jobs only when they actually consume more
than their h_vmem request.

I don't know if this list allows attachments, so I'm including some bad
C code (below) that I use for just this kind of testing. Once compiled,
it'll take a memory specification, allocate & fill that memory, sleep,
then exit.

This deliberately makes the process run long enough to capture some
memory profiling info.



/*      gcc -Wall -o use_memory  this_file.c                    */
/*                                                              */
/* Usage:                                                       */
/*      use_memory 200G                                         */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
        unsigned long int i;
        long unsigned int tenthsize;
        long unsigned int size;
        long unsigned int maxsize;
        char *unit = NULL;
        long int multiplier = 1;
        char *data_ptr = NULL;
        int length = 0;
        const int snooze = 5 * 1;       /* sleep for 1 minutes */

        if (argc < 2 || argc > 2)
                fprintf (stderr, "Allocate memory for testing.\n\n");
                fprintf (stderr, "Usage: use_memory <memsize>\n\n");
                fprintf (stderr, "<memsize>   Size of memory to allocate. 
Optionally, a unit\n");
                fprintf (stderr, "            specification can be appended to 
this number.\n");
                fprintf (stderr, "            Valid units are B, K, M, and 

                if (argc > 2)
                        fprintf (stderr, "\n\nInvalid arguments (%d)\n", argc);
                exit (2);

        length = strlen (argv[1]);
        unit = strdup (argv[1]);
        unit[0] = unit[length - 1];
        unit[1] = '\0';

        switch (*unit)
                case 'B':
                        multiplier = 1;
                        argv[1][length - 1] = '\0';     /* throw away the units 
character */

                case 'K':
                        multiplier = 1024;
                        argv[1][length - 1] = '\0';     /* throw away the units 
character */

                case 'M':
                        multiplier = 1024 * 1024;
                        argv[1][length - 1] = '\0';     /* throw away the units 
character */

                case 'G':
                        multiplier = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
                        argv[1][length - 1] = '\0';     /* throw away the units 
character */

        free (unit);

        maxsize = multiplier * atof (argv[1]);
        if (maxsize == 0)
                fprintf (stderr, "Invalid memory size.\n");
                exit (1);

        tenthsize=maxsize / 10;
        size=maxsize / 10;

        while ( size <= maxsize )
                size=size + tenthsize;
                printf ("About to allocate %ld bytes\n", size);
                data_ptr = (char *) malloc (size);
                if (data_ptr == NULL)
                        fprintf (stderr, "Could not allocate memory.\n");
                        fflush (stderr);
                        exit (1);
                fprintf (stdout, "Memory allocation succeeded\nFilling:\n");
                fflush (stdout);

                /* put some values into memory */
                /* print tick marks at each 10th & 100th of the allocation, so 
we know something is
                 * happening. */
                int hundredth = (int) ((size - 1) / 100);
                long unsigned int tenth = (long unsigned int) ((size - 1) / 10);

                for (i = 0; i < (size - 1); i++)
                        data_ptr[i] = 'a';
                        if ((i % tenth) == 0)
                                fprintf (stdout, "+");
                                fflush (stdout);
                                if ((i % hundredth) == 0)
                                        fprintf (stdout, ".");
                                        fflush (stdout);

                fprintf (stdout, "\nSleeping...");
                fflush (stdout);
                sleep (snooze);

                // Cleanup our allocated memory
                free (data_ptr);
                data_ptr = NULL;
                printf ("done\n");
        return 0;

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