GR8Conf Europe is happy to announce, that this years conference will feature an additional track, with focus on Gradle. We call it the "Gradle miniSummit".
The conference takes place in beautiful Copenhagen, Denmark, from June 1st through 3rd, where the first day is a University day, with longer workshops, and the 2nd and 3rd are regular conference days with talks from the entire Groovy ecosystem. You can read more about the conference on: Note to speakers: The GR8Conf EU + Gradle miniSummit call for paper is open. Please submit your talks at Best regards, Søren Berg Glasius GR8Conf co-founder and organizer. GR8Conf ApS Mobile: +45 40 44 91 88, Web:, Skype: sbglasius Company Address: Buchwaldsgade 50, 5000 Odense C, Denmark Personal Address: Hedevej 1, Gl. Rye, 8680 Ry, Denmark --- GR8Conf - Dedicated to the Groovy Ecosystem