I believe I have a simple application which shows the problem. You can find it here:


The README should cover how to use it. The original application involved a dynamic state machine. I have tried to preserve the basics of how the program would execute while removing the application specific details. Please let me know if there is something I can do to improve this or if you have any questions.



On 03/18/2016 07:26 AM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

On 16.03.2016 20:31, David Clark wrote:
If I can think of a way to reproduce the problem with a small script or
application I will definitely post it to the list. I really have no idea
what would cause this problem. If you have any suggestions about what
types of application behavior would tend to lead to this issue I will
give them a try.

Thank for the link to the JDK bug, that does seem to be what we are seeing.

If it is not that bug, then it is most probably... well it is the most probable reason anyway... our non-existing ability to handle multiple targets for the method call in the callsite. It is non-existing, because we don't do it for the non-indy case, and while this can increase Groovy's performance quite a bit, it is additional complexity to deal with and so I was waiting for a real life use case.... And it might be, that your case is exactly what I was looking for.

bye Jochen

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