I couldn't understand the reason as I my Groovy exp. is less.

But this Maven configuration fixed it.




On 8 January 2018 at 09:14, Mohan Radhakrishnan <
radhakrishnan.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Keith,
> The error when I run Maven test is this.
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.gmaven:gmaven-
> plugin:1.2:generateStu
> bs (default) on project Automation: startup failed:
> [ERROR] /D:/Development_Avecto/Automation/src/main/groovy/
> com/automation/pages/t
> ime/ThreadSleeper.groovy: 11: Unknown type: METHOD_DEF at line: 11 column:
> 5. Fi
> le: /D:/Development_Avecto/Automation/src/main/groovy/
> com/automation/pages/time/
> ThreadSleeper.groovy @ line 11, column 5.
> [ERROR] def  sleeperWithAction() {
> [ERROR] ^
> [ERROR] 1 error
> But when I execute a test like this from Intellij it passes.
> @Test( expected = SleepInterruptedException.class )
> def void interruptedTest() {
>     Thread.currentThread().interrupt()
>     def sleeper = new AutomationSleeper( ms : 10)
>     sleeper.sleeper()
> }
> I am handling InterruptedException because some Selenium code calls sleep 
> everywhere.
> And the calling code isn't prepared to be interrupted. Moreover there is no 
> descriptive
> message about what the thread is sleeping on. I plan to add some messages so 
> that code that
> calls my 'sleeper' will atleast have messages. The closure could help too.
> Even selenium source code has this section probably because that framework 
> isn't required to deal with
> 'InterruptedException'. It is a web scraping tool.
> try {
>         Thread.sleep(50);
>       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
>         throw new RuntimeException( e);
>       }
> Thanks,
> Mohan
> On 6 January 2018 at 03:47, Keith Suderman <suder...@anc.org> wrote:
>> What error are you seeing?  Do you see the error at runtime or in your
>> IDE?  Your code works for me (Groovy 2.4.9) so maybe check for unbalanced
>> braces elsewhere in your code.
>> However, you shouldn't catch/rethrow the InterruptedException as you do.
>> The InterruptedException is not thrown for "some reason", it is thrown when
>> another thread calls Thread.interrupt() on your thread (e.g. to wake your
>> thread up so it can check its state).  For example:
>> Thread t = Thread.start {
>> boolean running = true
>> while (running) {
>> doSomeWork()
>> try {
>> Thread.sleep(1000)
>> }
>> catch (InterruptedException e) {
>> running = shouldIKeepRunning()
>> return true
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> // At program shutdown/cleanup
>> t.interrupt()
>> t.join()
>> println "Our thread has termintated."
>> The Closure passed to the Thread.sleep method can be used in place of the
>> try/catch block.  That is the closure will be called when
>> Thread.interrupt() is called on your thread i.e.:
>> Thread t = Thread.start {
>> boolean running = false
>> while(running) {
>> doSomeWork()
>> Thread.sleep(1000) {
>> // Called then Thread.sleep() is interrupted.
>> running = false
>> return true
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> // ...
>> t.interrupt()
>> t.join()
>> Finally, if you are doing complicated threading work you should really be
>> using GPars or Java's Executors, ThreadPools, et al.
>> Cheers,
>> Keith
>> On Jan 5, 2018, at 11:01 AM, Mohan Radhakrishnan <
>> radhakrishnan.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>          I am new to groovy. Here I tried to create
>> a simple wrapper around 'sleep'.
>> I see the error in the subject at 'def'. What's wrong ?
>> Thanks,
>> Mohan
>> /**
>>  * Our custom sleep logic.
>>  */
>> trait ThreadSleeper {
>>      long ms
>>      Closure cl = {}
>>     /*Sleep with an action taken*/
>>     def  sleeperWithAction() {
>>         try{
>>             Thread.sleep ms, cl
>>         }catch( InterruptedException ie ){
>>             throw new SleepInterruptedException( ie, "Thread.sleep is 
>> interrupted for "+
>>                                                       "some reason [" + 
>> ie.getMessage() +"]");
>>         }
>>     }
>>     /*If there is no action to be taken then we call this*/
>>     def  sleeper() {
>>         try{
>>             Thread.sleep ms
>>         }catch( InterruptedException ie ){
>>             throw new SleepInterruptedException( ie, "Thread.sleep is 
>> interrupted for "+
>>                                                      "some reason [" + 
>> ie.getMessage() +"]");
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> ----------------------
>> Keith Suderman
>> Research Associate
>> Department of Computer Science
>> Vassar College, Poughkeepsie NY
>> suder...@cs.vassar.edu

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