I mean that this works if the DSL command is hard-coded. I was trying to
pass it into the shell.

Am I allowed to pass it into the shell ? This evaluation is generic for
many such fluent commands.

def evaluatexpath( String dsl ){
    def binding = new Binding(
            dxp: new DynamicXPath(),
            DslCommand: dsl

    def shell = new GroovyShell(this.class.classLoader, binding)

    shell.evaluate '''
        import groovy.transform.BaseScript
        bootStrap "//*[@id='pane']"


On 16 January 2018 at 19:06, Mohan Radhakrishnan <
radhakrishnan.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>       I am reading the book 'Groovy in Action' and this code is based on
> that.
> My base script stores 'DynamicXPath' like this.
> abstract class AxesBaseScript extends Script {
>     public DynamicXPath bootStrap(String initialPath ){
>         this.binding.dxp.bootStrap initialPath
>     }
> }
> And here I want to execute a dynamic DSL command 'dsl '
> by storing it in the binding as 'DslCommand'.
>     def evaluatexpath( String dsl ){
>         def binding = new Binding(
>                 dsp: new DynamicXPath(),
>                 DslCommand: dsl
>         )
>         def shell = new GroovyShell(this.class.classLoader, binding)
>         shell.evaluate '''
>             @BaseScript(com.automation.script.AxesBaseScript)
>             import groovy.transform.BaseScript
>             DslCommand
>         '''
>     }
> Looks like the DSL string I pass 'bootStrap somestring' is returned as it
> is as a string by evaluate.
> Can I not execute 'bootStrap somestring' ?
> The relevant section in the book is '*Listing 19.12 Using a custom base
> script class'*
> *My '*DslCommand' replaces 'move left' which you see at the end of the
> listing.
> I just want to pass my DSL commands to the evaluate method as parameters
> through the binding.
> Thanks,
> Mohan

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