Dear Jochen,

More info I found from MANIFEST.MF:

I found that the official groovy-all-1.7.5.jar distributed in grails 1.3.5 was built with JDK 1.7.0-ea (Sun Microsystems Inc.). I guess the "ea" means early access version. So I don't believe I could ever use the exactly same JDK to compile the groovy source. How am I supposed to find an early access version?

Anyway, this is a less important question. As mentioned in previous email, I mainly want to know whether it's expected or required, to compile binary .class files which are identical to the officially distributed ones, when we try to rebuild groovy on our own.


Ken Lam
System Analyst
Mobigator Technology Group
T: +852.2524.9000, ext 114
F: +852.2524.9050

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Need to get help: Building Groovy 1.7.5 from source gives encoding error for ReadLineTest.groovy
From: Ken Lam <>
To:, Jochen Theodorou <>
Date: 8/2/2018 11:12
Dear Jochen,

Also, after compiling the groovy-all-1.7.5.jar, I extracted the jar, and extracted the official jar distributed in grails 1.3.5, and compare between the two extracted folders.

Out of 3371 files, 256 files (254 binary files + 2 text files) are different, and the rest are identical.

For the 2 different text files, I have checked and they should be ok.

For the 254 binary files, however, I am not sure whether this is normal.

Of course, I haven't modified any source codes at all. At least not yet.

My question is:

Is it expected or required, to have exact binary .class files compiled when we try to rebuild groovy? My compiled jar does have nearly 3000 binary class files being identical to the those in the official jar, only 254 binary files are different.


Ken Lam
System Analyst
Mobigator Technology Group
T: +852.2524.9000, ext 114
F: +852.2524.9050

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Need to get help: Building Groovy 1.7.5 from source gives encoding error for ReadLineTest.groovy
From: Jochen Theodorou <>
Date: 8/2/2018 4:11
On 07.02.2018 07:12, Ken Lam wrote:
Dear Jochen,

Then why do I have to set


in groovyc commands in the build.xml to force it to UTF-8,

If no encoding is set, the system encoding is used and that could be for example GB2312 or Big5 or even only ASCII

while the official source distribution can omit this and the Groovy developers can still compile the source of Groovy 1.7.5 correctly?

because we work on linux and mac systems. I am using UTF8 as system default for over 10 years now.

Which settings in the system am I missing?

On Windows? sorry, cannot help here really. Windows is not know to be friendly to such changes at all.

bye Jochen

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