Upvoted G-)
(I have thought about this, and in certain situations being able to have (Intellisense supported) multi-assignment would be beneficial in our framework, so it would definitely be good to have this)


On 11/12/2020 23:47, Saravanan Palanichamy wrote:
Thank you MG, I raised this ticket

https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-257580 <https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-257580>


On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 8:59 PM MG <mg...@arscreat.com <mailto:mg...@arscreat.com>> wrote:

    You could try the newest version (2020.3), but if that does not
    help, I would guess JetBrains might possibly not even be aware
    that Groovy 3.x supports that feature. In that case creating a
    ticket is imho your best option (there are people from Jetbrains
    reading this ML, but they need a ticket to work on the issue*) - I
    would recommend posting the ticket URL here, so people can upvote
    - I sure will G-)


    *I would also recommend closely following the ticket guidelines,
    i.e. describe current (erronous) state, and the expected behavior
    - in short you want to make it easy for them to work on this.

    On 11/12/2020 15:40, Saravanan Palanichamy wrote:
    Hi MG

    I am using Intellij  IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.3 (Community Edition)
    Build #IC-202.7660.26, built on October 6, 2020

    I have attached the error as a picture. The intellij web page
    says 3.0 is supported. I am not sure what to make of it though.
    The code runs cleanly and as expected



    On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 2:59 PM MG <mg...@arscreat.com
    <mailto:mg...@arscreat.com>> wrote:

        Hi Saravanan,

        what IntelliJ version are you using ? We are not using multiple
        assignments in our code, but from my personal experience,
        IntelliJ can
        unfortunately sometimes be more than 2 years behind current
        features. If the newest IntelliJ version does not support
        what you need,
        opening a ticket did help in the past (see e.g.
        <https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-193168>), but you
        have to be
        prepared to wait some time before seeing improvements.
        In addition to that, IntelliJ sometimes marks valid Groovy
        code as
        invalid, but reconsiders if one comments out the "offending"
        and then comments it in again (I assume doing this triggers a
        Intellisense parser pass).

        Interestingly afaik (disclaimer: I have not checked this
        recently, and
        we are still on Groovy 2.5.x), Groovy will treat e.g.
        var x = new Foo()
        final x = new Foo()
        as x having type Object - it is just IntelliJ Intellisense
        that deduces
        x to be of type Foo*, thereby enabling auto completion, etc
        on x ;-)


        *In all but the most obscure cases

        On 11/12/2020 06:54, Saravanan Palanichamy wrote:
        > Hello
        > I am using Groovy 3.0.5 and it supports multiple assignment
        statements from tuples when using static compile
        >      def(var1, var2) = Tuple.tuple("a", 1)
        > but it looks like the Intellij IDE still calls this out as
        a compile error. Also it defaults to identifying var1 and
        var2 as objects. This hinders code completion in subsequent
        code. Is this an issue for anyone else? or do I just have to
        upgrade my IDE?

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