Hello paul

Thank you for your email

Yes the inner class mechanism works, but I want to declare a parent class
dynamically with static inner classes added dynamically

With inner classes I jave access to the module node and the source unit.
Where do I get these for a parent level class?

On Mon, 12 Apr, 2021, 16:52 Paul King, <pa...@asert.com.au> wrote:

> The Builders and Sortable AST do something similar and use:
> https://github.com/apache/groovy/blob/master/src/main/java/org/apache/groovy/ast/tools/ClassNodeUtils.java#L129
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 8:36 PM Saravanan Palanichamy <chava...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello
>> What is the right way to add a new class through an AST during the Groovy
>> compilation phase? What I am trying to do is this
>> * Compile N different classes
>> * During the compile process, create a new class for each of these N
>> classes that denotes how it should be serialized (for example)
>> * Add these classes as sub classes of one master class, called Types
>> For example:-
>> /**************** These are my classes ****************************/
>> Class Car {
>> }
>> class Cycle {
>> }
>> /***************** This class must be auto generated with all of its
>> inner classes ***************/
>> class Types {
>>     static class CarSeralizer extends TypeReference<Car> {}
>>     static class CycleSerializer extends TypeReference<Cycle> {}
>> }
>> How do I achieve this through ASTs ?
>> regards
>> Saravanan

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