I believe it's your "json.each { jsonObj ->" line, with a JSON object
it's going to return a key/value pair so try "json.each { k,v ->"
instead and use the key k and value v in your script.

On Mon, May 8, 2023 at 9:32 PM James McMahon <jsmcmah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello. I have incoming data that is json. An example of one case looks like 
> this:
> {"id": "20230508215236_4447cd0a-9dca-47cb-90b1-6562cf34155a_Timer-Driven 
> Process Thread-9",
> "te": "0.9494",
> "diskusage": "0.2776125422110003.3 MB",
> "memory": 77,
> "cpu": 0.58,
> "host": "",
> "temperature": "97",
> "macaddress": "f417ead3-4fa9-4cee-a14b-7172e9ecd3ea",
> "end": "61448816405795",
> "systemtime": "05/08/2023 16:52:36"}
> I wrote a Groovy script running in a nifi ExecuteScript processor to tally 
> the keys from the json, reporting the results as flowfile attributes. I am 
> getting this error:
> ExecuteScript[id=028b1d40-33a5-1766-b659-31b3faaf13f5] Error processing json 
> fields: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: 
> Script9$_run_closure1$_closure2$_closure4.doCall() is applicable for argument 
> types: (Entry) values: 
> [id=20230508215236_4447cd0a-9dca-47cb-90b1-6562cf34155a_Timer-Driven Process 
> Thread-9]
> Possible solutions: doCall(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), findAll(), 
> findAll(), isCase(java.lang.Object), isCase(java.lang.Object)
> What is causing this error? Am I reading in the data incorrectly using the 
> JsonSlurper?
> Here is my code:
> import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
> import groovy.json.JsonOutput
> import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils
> import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
> def originalFile = ''
> def keys = []
> def tallyMap = [:]
> def topValuesMap = [:]
> def lineCount = 0
> def ff = session.get()
> if (!ff) return
> try {
>     session.read(ff, { inputStream ->
>         def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(IOUtils.toString(inputStream, 
> StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
>         def keySet = new HashSet<String>()
>         if (json instanceof List) {
>             keySet.addAll(((Map)json[0]).keySet())
>         } else {
>             keySet.addAll(json.keySet())
>         }
>         keys = keySet.toList()
>         originalFile = ff.getAttribute('filename')
>         json.each { jsonObj ->
>             jsonObj.each { key, value ->
>                 if (value != null && !value.toString().trim().isEmpty()) {
>                     tallyMap[key] = tallyMap.containsKey(key) ? tallyMap[key] 
> + 1 : 1
>                     if (topValuesMap.containsKey(key)) {
>                         def valuesMap = topValuesMap[key]
>                         valuesMap[value] = valuesMap.containsKey(value) ? 
> valuesMap[value] + 1 : 1
>                         topValuesMap[key] = valuesMap
>                     } else {
>                         topValuesMap[key] = [:].withDefault{ 0 }.plus([value: 
> 1])
>                     }
>                     // Remove the "value: 1" entry from the topValuesMap
>                     topValuesMap[key].remove("value")
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>         // Sort the topValuesMap for each key based on the frequency of values
>         topValuesMap.each { key, valuesMap ->
>             topValuesMap[key] = valuesMap.sort{ -it.value }.take(10)
>         }
>         // Count the number of JSON records
>         lineCount += json.size()
>     } as InputStreamCallback)
>     def tallyMapString = JsonOutput.toJson(tallyMap)
>     def topValuesMapString = JsonOutput.toJson(topValuesMap)
>     ff = session.putAttribute(ff, 'triage.json.file', originalFile)
>     ff = session.putAttribute(ff, 'triage.json.fields', keys.join(","))
>     ff = session.putAttribute(ff, 'triage.json.tallyMap', tallyMapString)
>     ff = session.putAttribute(ff, 'triage.json.topValuesMap', 
> topValuesMapString)
>     ff = session.putAttribute(ff, 'triage.json.lineCount', 
> lineCount.toString())
>     session.transfer(ff, REL_SUCCESS)
> } catch (Exception e) {
>     log.error('Error processing json fields', e)
>     session.transfer(ff, REL_FAILURE)
> }

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