If you look up the Javadoc for Grab, you will see that it can be on
more things than just an import. It can be on a type, a method, a
field, a local variable and so forth. It can't be used on a single
statement. The suggestion for placing it on an import statement is
really just a suggestion. It is often preferred to place it there
rather than on a field or single method because it will be applicable
for the whole script regardless of where you place it - you wouldn't
want someone to think the @Grab was only applicable for a particular
method for instance.

If you just have a single println and nothing else, that is a local
variable called "println" which will come from the binding and have
value null since you haven't defined any value.

Cheers, Paul.


On Sun, Jan 7, 2024 at 7:21 PM Clemens Quoss <clem...@quoss.de> wrote:
> Hello Bob!
> Thanks for your answer. Yes, of course the right way would be to also use the 
> 'grabbed' dependency in one way or the other.
> This test script of mine was for investigating what dependency in a large 
> script of mine pulls in groovy-all:2.4.x making this script unusable with 
> Groovy 4.x due to classpath clashes.
> Therefore i wrote this small test script putting in only one Grab at a time 
> and deleting ~/.groovy/grapes between the runs to see what is transitively 
> pulled from what @Grab.
> And you do not have to write it like this:
> @Grab(...)
> import ...
> @Grab(...)
> import ...
> Grab is not an annotation for a dedicated import statement. I think this part 
> of the doc is misleading.
> BTW, i forgot to mention that the script works if i leave out the "Hallo, 
> Groovy!" part and only work with an empty println.
> So i do still believe it is a bug of some sort.
> Regards
> Clemens
> Am 07.01.2024 um 01:31 schrieb Bob Brown:
> I think that @Grab needs to be ‘attached’ to something like an import.
> The doco (https://groovy-lang.org/grape.html) says:
> “””
> Note that we are using an annotated import here, which is the recommended way.
> “””
> Take a look at:
> https://dzone.com/articles/groovy-and-jsch-sftp
> From: Quoß, Clemens (UIT) <clemens.qu...@union-investment.de>
> Sent: Sunday, January 7, 2024 7:04 AM
> To: users@groovy.apache.org
> Subject: Strange behaviour when using the Grab annotation
> Hello everyone!
> When I am running this script with 4.0.17 …
> >>>
> @GrabResolver(name = 'nexus', root = 'https://…')
> @Grab(group = 'com.jcraft', module = 'jsch', version = '0.1.55')
> println "Hallo, Groovy!"
> <<<
> … I am getting this:
> >>>
> org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup 
> failed:
> C:\Temp\test.groovy: 4: Unexpected input: '"Hallo, Groovy!"' @ line 4, column 
> 9.
>    println "Hallo, Groovy!"
>            ^
> 1 error
> <<<
> When I remove the Grapes annotations everything works as expected.
> Has anyone encountered similar issues? Is there a cure? Is this considered a 
> bug? To me it looks that way. But maybe I am missing something here.
> Regards
> Union IT-Services GmbH
> Clemens Quoß
> Senior Software Entwickler
> Neue Mainzer Straße 12
> 60311 Frankfurt am Main
> Tel. +49 69 2567 1241
> Fax +49 69 2567 61241
> Mobil +49 151 55157195
> clemens.qu...@union-investment.de
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Weißfrauenstraße 7, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main HRB 33314
> Geschäftsführer: Stephan Nasterlack, Siegfried Ehlert, Tobias Meier, Gregor 
> Sauerzapf

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