On 08.01.24 20:42, OCsite wrote:
[...]> - the extension class list is collected compile-time and (eventually
when my build script creates the application) automatically added to the
/org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule/ manifest, so that they
just-work without any extra ado.

So your variant is a clever way to use extension modules. You are not
using categories at all. That's good.

(2) per instance meta classes
shows examples here
Anyone using that?

Can't recall I ever needed that.

mocking and maybe some special kind of debugging are the only uses-cases
I found so far.

(3) Custom meta class
Anyway trying to force the usage of something else then MetaClassImpl
for the meta class?

Well sort of, though a pretty trivial one. My goal is to get rid of
NPEs; in my personal opinion that darned thing is a proper disaster and
the right behaviour is a completely consistent /null/-propagation
(essentially what Groovy calls a “safe dispatch”). Among many other
things, what I do is


def mc=new OCSNMC(org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NullObject)



... ...


class OCSNMC extends DelegatingMetaClass {

     OCSNMC(Class clazz){



     Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[]
arguments) {

if (arguments.size()==1 && methodName=='is') return arguments[0]==null

if (arguments.size()==0 && methodName=='iterator') return [].iterator()

if (arguments.size()==0 && methodName=='hasZeroValue') return YES



// alas, does not seem to work for getProperty; that one must be
supported by ASTTs



Aside that, not sure if interesting to you, but I install my own methods
into metaclasses all the time, like e.g.,


         NSMutableDictionary.metaClass.putAt<<{ key,value ->

if(value==nil) delegate.removeObjectForKey(key)

else delegate.setObjectForKey(value,key)



         NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue.class.metaClass.asBoolean={ -> false }


ok... but this is more a permanent thing. I am mostly interested in if
people want to change the meta class itself at a later point in time
instead of right from the beginning.

and I even (of course having done /ExpandoMetaClass.enableGlobally()/)
install global handlers

so your delegate is an ExpandoMC. Ok.


// for some triple-weird reason simply defining propertyMissing in an
extension does NOT work (never gets called)








yeah... could be considered a bug I think.

/DPA/ is my own rather non-trivial class, whose code dynamically fixes
properties of library classes, i.e., allows me to write
/SomeLibraryClassOrInstance.foo/ for classes which have either static or
instance method /foo()/ and if so happens, /getFoo() { foo()
}/ (essentially) is installed automatically to the metaclass (the
rationale here is that the WebObjects standard, which long long predates
the unlucky Java one, has setters /setFoo(foo)/ and getters /foo()/, not

So if we would go and say a class gets its meta class only once, but you
can control what it is if you must, then you have no problem... well
performance wise maybe

bye Jochen

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