MY first thought was “are you SURE it is a kosher Zip file?”

Sometimes one gets ‘odd’ gzip files masquerading as plain zip files.

Also, apparently “java.util.Zip does not support DEFLATE64 compression method.” 

IF this is the case, you may need to use:
(maybe worth looking at the “Known Interoperability Problems” section of the 
above doc)

May be helpful:



From: James McMahon <>
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2024 4:20 AM
Subject: Re: Cannot process zip file with Groovy

Hello Paul, and thanks again for taking a moment to look at this. I tried as 
you suggested:
- - - - - - - - - -

def ff = session.get()
if (!ff) return

try {
    ff = session.write(ff, { inputStream, outputStream ->
        def zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(inputStream)
        def entry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry()
        while (entry != null) {
            entry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry()
        outputStream = inputStream
    } as StreamCallback)

    session.transfer(ff, REL_SUCCESS)
} catch (Exception e) {
    log.error('Error occurred processing FlowFile', e)
    session.transfer(ff, REL_FAILURE)
- - - - - - - - - -

Once again it threw this error and failed:

ExecuteScript[id=ae3e5de5-018d-1000-ff81-b0c807b75086] Error occurred 
processing FlowFile: org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: 
IOException thrown from ExecuteScript[id=ae3e5de5-018d-1000-ff81-b0c807b75086]: invalid compression method

- Caused by: invalid compression method

It bears repeating: I am able to list and unzip the file at the linux command 
line, but cannot get it to work from the script.

What is interesting (and a little frustrating) is that the NiFi UnpackContent 
will successfully unzip the zip file. However, the reason I am trying to do it 
in Groovy is that UnpackContent exposes the file metadata for each file in a 
tar archive - lastModifiedDate, for example - but it does not do so for files 
extracted from zips. And I need that metadata. So here I be.

Can I explicitly set my (de)compression in the Groovy script? Where would I do 
that, and what values does one typically encounter for zip compression?


On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 9:26 PM Paul King 
<<>> wrote:
What you are doing to read the zip looks okay.

Just a guess, but it could be that because you haven't written to the
output stream, it is essentially a corrupt data stream as far as NiFi
processing is concerned. What happens if you set "outputStream =
inputStream" as the last line of your callback?



On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 8:48 AM James McMahon 
<<>> wrote:
> I am struggling to build a Groovy scri[t I can run from a NiFi ExecuteScript 
> processor to extract from a zip file and stream to a tar archive.
> I tried to tackle it all at once and made little progress.
> I am now just trying to read the zip file, and am getting this error:
> ExecuteScript[id=ae3e5de5-018d-1000-ff81-b0c807b75086] Error occurred 
> processing FlowFile: org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: 
> IOException thrown from 
> ExecuteScript[id=ae3e5de5-018d-1000-ff81-b0c807b75086]: 
> invalid compression method
> - Caused by: invalid compression method
> This is my simplified code:
> import
> def ff = session.get()
> if (!ff) return
> try {
>     ff = session.write(ff, { inputStream, outputStream ->
>         def zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(inputStream)
>         def entry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry()
>         while (entry != null) {
>             entry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry()
>         }
>     } as StreamCallback)
>     session.transfer(ff, REL_SUCCESS)
> } catch (Exception e) {
>     log.error('Error occurred processing FlowFile', e)
>     session.transfer(ff, REL_FAILURE)
> }
> I am able to list and unzip the file at the linux command line, but cannot 
> get it to work from the script.
> Has anyone had success doing this? Can anyone help me get past this error?
> Thanks in advance.
> Jim

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