The thing that you're producing is the naive serialization of an Instant.
Jackson uses the Java 8 Time module to handle this; I'm not sure how to go
about it using JsonBuilder.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 4:25 PM James McMahon <> wrote:

> Hello. I have a json key named viewLastModified. It has a value
> of 1652135219. Using an Epoch Converter manually (
>, I expect to convert this with my Groovy
> script to something in this ballpark:
> GMT: Monday, May 9, 2022 10:26:59 PM
> Your time zone: Monday, May 9, 2022 6:26:59 PM GMT-04:00
> <> DST
> Relative: 2 years ago
> But my code fails, and I'm not sure why.
> Using the code I wrote, I process it and get this result:
> "viewLastModified": [
>     {
>       "chronology": {
>         "calendarType": "iso8601",
>         "id": "ISO",
>         "isoBased": true
>       },
>       "dayOfMonth": 11,
>       "dayOfWeek": "SATURDAY",
>       "dayOfYear": 192,
>       "era": "CE",
>       "leapYear": false,
>       "month": "JULY",
>       "monthValue": 7,
>       "year": 1970
>     }
>   ]
> Can anyone see where I have an error when I try to process a pattern that
> is seconds since the epoch?
> My code:
> import java.util.regex.Pattern
> import java.time.LocalDate
> import java.time.LocalDateTime
> import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
> import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException
> import java.time.Instant
> import java.time.ZoneId
> import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
> import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
> import
> import org.apache.nifi.flowfile.FlowFile
> // Combined regex pattern to match various date formats including Unix
> timestamp
> def combinedPattern = Pattern.compile(/\b(\d{8})|\b(\d{4}[' ,-\\/]+\d{2}['
> ,-\\/]+\d{2})|\b(\d{2}[' ,-\\/]+\d{2}['
> ,-\\/]+\d{4})|\b(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)['
> ,-\\/]+\d{2}['
> ,-\\/]+\d{4}|\b(?:January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)['
> ,-\\/]+\d{2}[' ,-\\/]+\d{4}\b|\b\d{10}\b/)
> // Precompile date formats for faster reuse
> def dateFormats = [
>     DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern('yyyyMMdd'),
>     DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern('dd MMM, yyyy'),
>     DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern('MMM dd, yyyy'),
>     DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern('yyyy MMM dd'),
>     DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern('MMMM dd, yyyy')
> ]
> // Helper function to parse a date string using predefined formats
> def parseDate(String dateStr, List<DateTimeFormatter> dateFormats) {
>     for (format in dateFormats) {
>         try {
>             return LocalDate.parse(dateStr, format)
>         } catch (DateTimeParseException e) {
>             // Continue trying other formats if the current one fails
>         }
>     }
>     return null
> }
> // Helper function to parse a Unix timestamp
> def parseUnixTimestamp(String timestampStr) {
>     try {
>         long timestamp = Long.parseLong(timestampStr)
>         // Validate if the timestamp is in a reasonable range
>         if (timestamp >= 0 && timestamp <=
> {
>             return
> Instant.ofEpochSecond(timestamp).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDateTime().toLocalDate()
>         }
>     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
>         // If parsing fails, return null
>     }
>     return null
> }
> // Helper function to validate date within a specific range
> boolean validateDate(LocalDate date) {
>     def currentYear =
>     def year = date.year
>     return year >= currentYear - 120 && year <= currentYear + 40
> }
> // Function to process and normalize dates
> def processDates(List<String> dates, List<DateTimeFormatter> dateFormats) {
>     dates.collect { dateStr ->
>         def parsedDate = parseDate(dateStr, dateFormats)
>         if (parsedDate == null) {
>             parsedDate = parseUnixTimestamp(dateStr)
>         }
>"Parsed date: ${parsedDate}")
>         parsedDate
>     }.findAll { it != null && validateDate(it) }
>      .unique()
>      .sort()
> }
> // Define the list of substrings to check in key names
> def dateRelatedSubstrings = ['birth', 'death', 'dob', 'date', 'updated',
> 'modified', 'created', 'deleted', 'registered', 'times', 'datetime', 'day',
> 'month', 'year', 'week', 'epoch', 'period']
> // Start of NiFi script execution
> def ff = session.get()
> if (!ff) return
> try {
>"Starting processing of FlowFile: ${ff.getId()}")
>     // Extract JSON content for processing
>     String jsonKeys = ff.getAttribute('payload.json.keys')
>"JSON keys: ${jsonKeys}")
>     def keysMap = new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonKeys)
>     def results = [:]
>     // Process each key-value pair in the JSON map
>     keysMap.each { key, value ->
>         def datesForThisKey = []
>"Processing key: ${key}")
>         // Check if the key contains any of the specified substrings
>         if (dateRelatedSubstrings.any { key.toLowerCase().contains(it) }) {
>             // Read and process the content of the FlowFile
>             ff = session.write(ff, { inputStream, outputStream ->
>                 def bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new
> InputStreamReader(inputStream))
>                 def bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new
> OutputStreamWriter(outputStream))
>                 String line
>                 // Read each line of the input stream
>                 while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
>                     // Check if the line contains the key
>                     if (line.contains(key)) {
>                         def matcher = combinedPattern.matcher(line)
>                         // Find all matching date patterns in the line
>                         while (matcher.find()) {
>                             datesForThisKey <<
>                         }
>                     }
>                     bufferedWriter.write(line)
>                     bufferedWriter.newLine()
>                 }
>                 bufferedReader.close()
>                 bufferedWriter.close()
>             } as StreamCallback)
>             // Process and store dates for the current key
>             if (!datesForThisKey.isEmpty()) {
>       "Found dates for key ${key}: ${datesForThisKey}")
>                 results[key] = processDates(datesForThisKey, dateFormats)
>       "Processed dates for key ${key}:
> ${results[key]}")
>             }
>         } else {
>   "Key ${key} does not contain date-related
> substrings, skipping.")
>             results[key] = []
>         }
>     }
>     // Serialize results to JSON and store in FlowFile attribute
>     def jsonBuilder = new JsonBuilder(results)
>     ff = session.putAttribute(ff, 'payload.json.dates',
> jsonBuilder.toPrettyString())
>"Successfully processed FlowFile: ${ff.getId()}")
>     session.transfer(ff, REL_SUCCESS)
> } catch (Exception e) {
>     log.error("Failed processing FlowFile: ${ff.getId()}", e)
>     session.transfer(ff, REL_FAILURE)
> }
> I'm producing something, but it isn't the correct something.

Christopher Smith

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