Hi Davide,

The error below points to a missing configuration parameter (database

It's hard to say what could be wrong with your project and/or environment
configuration, I'm afraid you'll have to dig in.
You could try printing all of your configuration variables to the logs or
write them to a file to see if everything is in place...

2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - ERROR: java.lang.NullPointerException
2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at

Good luck!


On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 2:48 PM Davide Cisco <davide.ci...@unipd.it> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to deploy in the Apache Hop Docker container a simple
> workflow with some pipelines that connect to an Oracle database via
> tnsnames.ora and output some table data in an Excel file.
> This workflow works well in the "local" environment, using both the
> Hop GUI and the command line interface hop-run.sh. When I try to
> deploy everything in a Docker container, despite having mounted as
> volumes all the needed stuff to run (configuration files, JDBC
> libraries, environment variables), the workflow fails at the first
> pipeline saying that the component Table input can't be initialized.
> I set up the docker "base" image using this Dockerfile (git and
> openssh are needed to get the configuration downloaded from our
> repository):
> === begin file ===
> FROM apache/hop:latest
> USER root
> COPY --chown=hop:hop ./setup/home/hop /home/hop
> RUN apk update
> RUN apk add --no-cache git
> RUN apk add --no-cache openssh
> RUN chmod 600 /home/hop/.ssh/*
> USER hop
> ==== end file ====
> Then launched the Docker container with this (very long) command line:
> === begin file ===
> sudo docker run -it --rm --name hop-geko.dev --env
> --env HOP_LOG_LEVEL=Rowlevel --env
> HOP_LOG_PATH=/files/geko/log/hop.err.log --env HOP_PROJECT_NAME=geko
> --env HOP_PROJECT_FOLDER=/home/hop/config/projects/geko --env
> HOP_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME=project-config.json --env
> HOP_ENVIRONMENT_NAME=geko.dev --env
> APEX.json",'${PROJECT_HOME}/env/dev.json' --env
> HOP_SHARED_JDBC_FOLDERS=./lib/jdbc,/opt/jdbc --env
> HOP_FILE_PATH=main.hwf --env HOP_RUN_CONFIG=local --env
> TNS_ADMIN=/home/hop/tns -v /work/hop/env:/home/hop/env -v
> /work/hop/mount:/files -v $TNS_ADMIN:/home/hop/tns -v
> /opt/jdbc:/opt/jdbc hop-docker-base
> ==== end file ====
> The output I got from the Docker runner is the following:
> === begin file ===
> 2024/05/21 11:59:40 - Running the entrypoint script with PID 7
> 2024/05/21 11:59:40 - Sourcing custom entry point extension:
> /home/hop/dl-repo.sh
> Cloning into 'hopconfig'...
> remote: Enumerating objects: 312, done.
> remote: Counting objects: 100% (299/299), done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (290/290), done.
> remote: Total 312 (delta 166), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 13
> Receiving objects: 100% (312/312), 84.00 KiB | 2.90 MiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (167/167), done.
> 2024/05/21 11:59:41 - Setting system properties at runtime:
> 2024/05/21 11:59:41 - The project folder for geko is set to:
> /home/hop/config/projects/geko
> 2024/05/21 11:59:41 - The specified project folder exists
> 2024/05/21 11:59:41 - Registering project geko in the Hop container
> configuration
> 2024/05/21 11:59:41 - /opt/hop/hop-conf.sh --project=geko
> --project-create --project-home='/home/hop/config/projects/geko'
> --project-config-file='project-config.json'
> Creating project 'geko'
> Project 'geko' was created for home folder : /home/hop/config/projects/geko
> Configuration file for project 'geko' was saved to :
> file:/home/hop/config/projects/geko/project-config.json
> 2024/05/21 12:00:04 - Registering environment geko.dev in the Hop
> container configuration
> 2024/05/21 12:00:04 - /opt/hop/hop-conf.sh --environment-create
> --environment=geko.dev --environment-project=geko
> --environment-config-files='/home/hop/env/dev/Oracle
> APEX.json,${PROJECT_HOME}/env/dev.json'
> Creating environment 'geko.dev'
> Environment 'geko.dev' was created in Hop configuration file
> /opt/hop/config/hop-config.json
> Found existing environment configuration file:
> /home/hop/env/dev/Oracle APEX.json
> Found existing environment configuration file:
> /home/hop/config/projects/geko/env/dev.json
>   geko.dev
>     Purpose: Apache Hop docker container
>     Project name: geko
>       Config file: /home/hop/env/dev/Oracle APEX.json
>       Config file: ${PROJECT_HOME}/env/dev.json
> 2024/05/21 12:00:25 - Running a single hop workflow / pipeline (main.hwf)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:35 - HopRun - Start of Hop Run
> 2024/05/21 12:00:35 - HopRun - Referencing environment 'geko.dev' for
> project geko' in Apache Hop docker container
> 2024/05/21 12:00:35 - HopRun - Enabling project 'geko'
> 2024/05/21 12:00:35 - HopRun - Relative path filename specified:
> /home/hop/config/projects/geko/main.hwf
> 2024/05/21 12:00:35 - HopRun - Starting workflow:
> /home/hop/config/projects/geko/main.hwf
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - main - Start of workflow execution
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - main - exec(0, 0, Start)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Start - Starting action
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - main - Starting action [01_strutture.hpl]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - main - exec(1, 0, 01_strutture.hpl)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture.hpl - Starting action
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture.hpl - Opening pipeline:
> [/home/hop/config/projects/geko/01_strutture.hpl]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture.hpl - Starting
> pipeline...(file=${PROJECT_HOME}/01_strutture.hpl,
> name=01_strutture.hpl, repinfo=null)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture.hpl - Using run configuration [local]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture - nr of transforms to run : 3  , nr
> of hops : 2
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture - Executing this pipeline using the
> Local Pipeline Engine with run configuration 'local'
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture - Not running a unit test...
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture - Execution started for pipeline
> [01_strutture]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture - I found 3 different transforms to
> launch.
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture - Allocating rowsets...
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Allocating rowsets for transform
> 0 --> Table input
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -   prevcopies = 1, nextcopies=1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture - Pipeline allocated new rowset
> [Table input.0 - Select values.0]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Allocated 1 rowsets for
> transform 0 --> Table input
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Allocating rowsets for transform
> 1 --> Select values
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -   prevcopies = 1, nextcopies=1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture - Pipeline allocated new rowset
> [Select values.0 - Microsoft Excel writer.0]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Allocated 2 rowsets for
> transform 1 --> Select values
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Allocating rowsets for transform
> 2 --> Microsoft Excel writer
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Allocated 2 rowsets for
> transform 2 --> Microsoft Excel writer
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture - Allocating Transforms &
> TransformData...
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Pipeline is about to allocate
> transform [Table input] of type [TableInput]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -   Transform has nrcopies=1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Table input.0 - Starting allocation of buffers &
> new threads...
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Table input.0 - Transform info: nrinput=0 nroutput=1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Table input.0 - output rel. is 1:1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Table input.0 - Found output rowset [Table
> input.0 - Select values.0]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Table input.0 - Finished dispatching
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Pipeline has allocated a new
> transform: [Table input].0
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Pipeline is about to allocate
> transform [Select values] of type [SelectValues]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -   Transform has nrcopies=1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Select values.0 - Starting allocation of buffers
> & new threads...
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Select values.0 - Transform info: nrinput=1
> nroutput=1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Select values.0 - Got previous transform from
> [Select values] #0 --> Table input
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Select values.0 - input rel is 1:1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Select values.0 - Found input rowset [Table
> input.0 - Select values.0]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Select values.0 - output rel. is 1:1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Select values.0 - Found output rowset [Select
> values.0 - Microsoft Excel writer.0]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Select values.0 - Finished dispatching
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Pipeline has allocated a new
> transform: [Select values].0
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -  Pipeline is about to allocate
> transform [Microsoft Excel writer] of type
> [TypeExitExcelWriterTransform]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - 01_strutture -   Transform has nrcopies=1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Microsoft Excel writer.0 - Starting allocation
> of buffers & new threads...
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Microsoft Excel writer.0 - Transform info:
> nrinput=1 nroutput=0
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Microsoft Excel writer.0 - Got previous
> transform from [Microsoft Excel writer] #0 --> Select values
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Microsoft Excel writer.0 - input rel is 1:1
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Microsoft Excel writer.0 - Found input rowset
> [Select values.0 - Microsoft Excel writer.0]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:36 - Microsoft Excel writer.0 - Finished dispatching
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture -  Pipeline has allocated a new
> transform: [Microsoft Excel writer].0
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture - Initialising 3 transforms...
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - ERROR: Error initializing
> transform [Table input]
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - ERROR: java.lang.NullPointerException
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at
> org.apache.hop.core.database.Database.getObjectName(Database.java:4546)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at
> org.apache.hop.core.logging.LoggingObject.grabLoggingObjectInformation(LoggingObject.java:145)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at
> org.apache.hop.core.logging.LoggingObject.<init>(LoggingObject.java:45)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at
> org.apache.hop.core.logging.LoggingRegistry.registerLoggingSource(LoggingRegistry.java:65)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at
> org.apache.hop.core.logging.LogChannel.<init>(LogChannel.java:83)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at
> org.apache.hop.core.logging.LogChannel.<init>(LogChannel.java:65)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at
> org.apache.hop.core.database.Database.<init>(Database.java:182)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at
> org.apache.hop.pipeline.transforms.tableinput.TableInput.init(TableInput.java:337)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at
> org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.TransformInitThread.run(TransformInitThread.java:66)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - at
> java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture - ERROR: Transform [Table input.0]
> failed to initialize!
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture - Transform [Select values.0]
> initialized flawlessly.
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture - Transform [Microsoft Excel
> writer.0] initialized flawlessly.
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - Table input.0 - Finished reading query, closing
> connection.
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - ERROR: Unable to prepare for
> execution of the pipeline
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - ERROR:
> org.apache.hop.core.exception.HopException:
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - We failed to initialize at
> least one transform.  Execution can not begin!
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl -
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl -
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.pipeline.Pipeline.prepareExecution(Pipeline.java:1089)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.pipeline.engines.local.LocalPipelineEngine.prepareExecution(LocalPipelineEngine.java:236)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.pipeline.Pipeline.execute(Pipeline.java:529)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.workflow.actions.pipeline.ActionPipeline.execute(ActionPipeline.java:539)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.workflow.Workflow.executeFromStart(Workflow.java:655)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.workflow.Workflow.executeFromStart(Workflow.java:798)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.workflow.Workflow.executeFromStart(Workflow.java:439)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.workflow.Workflow.startExecution(Workflow.java:300)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.workflow.engines.local.LocalWorkflowEngine.startExecution(LocalWorkflowEngine.java:249)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.run.HopRun.runWorkflow(HopRun.java:433)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.run.HopRun.runWorkflow(HopRun.java:384)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.run.HopRun.run(HopRun.java:201)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - 01_strutture.hpl - at
> org.apache.hop.run.HopRun.main(HopRun.java:924)
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - main - Finished action [01_strutture.hpl]
> (result=[false])
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - main - Workflow execution finished
> 2024/05/21 12:00:37 - main - Workflow duration : 2.041 seconds [  2.040" ]
> HopRun exit.
> ==== end file ====
> I also tried to disable the default entrypoint in the Hop Docker (by
> adding --entrypoint /bin/bash in the command line above) to check if
> the files have been correctly downloaded and mounted: all of them seem
> to be in the expected position.
> Is there any additional configuration am I missing to get the
> connection working? Feel free to ask for any information/file that you
> might need to diagnose the problem.
> Thanks in advance for your support
> (note: in the above files text lines might have been broken due to
> limitations of the simple text format)
> DC

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