
I set up a workflow with various pipelines in sequence, each one of them should:
- read data from a table in an Oracle database (sometimes it has to
lookup a key in another table from another Oracle database)
- process the collected records (by adding a key and eventually a
reference year)
- write the resulting rows to a third table in another Oracle database
(the same of the eventual lookup above)

As long as I developed the various pipelines one at a time and tested
the workflow at every edit, it ran without errors.

Since I completed the workflow with all the necessary pipelines, I
could never make it to the end: the workflow hangs at a random
pipeline, shows no particular error but can't reach its conclusion.

I suspected there are some memory allocation issues, but even
increasing the Java dedicated memory to 8 GB (HOP_OPTIONS="-Xmx8192m")
didn't do the job.

I could probably solve the issues by adding here and there some
"cleanup" statements/components (since each pipeline processes a
completely different set of tables), but I can't figure a way to do

Is there any possibilty to improve the performance (by the above
mentioned cleanup components and/or some configuration in the Oracle
JDBC driver), in order to make the workflow complete?

Thanks for any suggestion


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