Thank you!
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2024 at 2:07 PM
From: "Davide Cisco" <>
Subject: Re: Migration to new version
if you choose not to transfer the audit folder, Hop will run anyway... it will just start auditing (i.e. extremely detailed logging) on a new folder.
You would transfer it to the new installation if you needed log continuity through old and new versions.
As mentioned, you can also move the config (and audit if you like) folder to a position outside the Hop installation folder, and then set the environment variables HOP_CONFIG_FOLDER (and HOP_AUDIT_FOLDER) to their full path in your OS: this way you don't have to worry to backup those folders before an upgrade. (Ok, a backup is still a good thing to do for other purposes... :) 
Il giorno mer 5 giu 2024 alle ore 13:54 <> ha scritto:
Thank you.
I think 'audit' folder is not necessary - these are just logs, right? 'New' hop will run even if data from this folder were not transfered?
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2024 at 2:30 PM
From: "Davide Cisco" <>
Subject: Re: Migration to new version
normally all you have to do is the following:
- rename the current installation folder (e.g. from "hop" to "hop-old")
- extract the zip file with the new version (a new "hop" folder will be created)
- copy the "hop-old/config" and "hop-old/audit" folders into the new folder "hop", replacing the existing (empty/default) ones, if you haven't configured those folders to point in an external location (using environment variables HOP_CONFIG_FOLDER and HOP_AUDIT_FOLDER)
Check if you're all set, then you can safely delete the "hop-old" folder (if not you can safely restore the previous version, just do the inverse rename)...
Il giorno mar 4 giu 2024 alle ore 13:43 <> ha scritto:
is there any tuto what to do to migrate Hop to new version (environment settings, projects...)?

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