Hi all,
can anyone help me?
I'm using Apache 1.3.33 as a Reverse Proxy and all is fine but I have a feature in my site on the backserver that sends in "push" some little datas, those are packets from 2 Bytes to 100 Bytes pe, and till the buffer is not full my client does not receive these datas.
client ---- apache (as reverse proxy) ---- (here the little ps go) ---- backweb
This means that it receives late datas and this is not good for me.
These little "packets" ends with only a CR (0x0A). Maybe I a should tail a LF too?
So looking at the code I modified the DEFAULT_BUFSIZE in buff.c and I lowen it from 4k to 64 Byte.
Now my application works better but I wonder if any one has considerations (I know, probably, this means more system calls) about this modify and if you know a cleaner solution. The best would be a configuration parameter in httpd.conf .
I tried to set B_WR to 0 but this is not really a good idea.
I searched in the old mails but I didn't find anything that suit my case, so you are my last resource :) while I'm still reading the code.
I have already tried to change configuration parameters in httpd.conf like receive_buffer_size but for what I have understood at the moment it's useless.
I guess I've been clear and this is the right ml.
Thanks all for any suggestion.

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