

(please ignore my last post)


Right now I have a syslog-ng server that logs all access_log files from different virtual hosts in one big file.

But Im looking for a way to log accesslogs to  virtualhostname.log files instead of one big file.


My setup:


CustomLog "| /usr/bin/logger -p local7.info" combined


This opens one Logger thread under the Apache main thread and puts all the logger information in one big file.


The following setup does what I want; but this opens a bash thread under Apache.. not something you want.


LogFormat "logger -t %v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined2

CustomLog "|/bin/bash" combined2


With the following in syslog-ng.conf:

destination localhost_site_access{ file("/var/log/apache/$PROGRAM"); };


This works in a sense that it puts the different VirtualHost logs in logs with their name. This is what I want but I don’t want to use the ‘bash’ solution.

Maybe it’s possible to hack /usr/bin/logger: I need a way to specify a $PROGRAM name in syslog-NG. Or is their another solution?


Any tips?





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