Title: Content-Encoding: gzip

Hallo all,

I have a question regarding sending the correct Content-Encoding.  By default, it seems that Apache 1.3.x and 2.0.x is sending Content-Type: application/x-gzip and Content-Encoding: gzip with UserAgent IE with HTTP/1.1 setting.  This is fine if using IE to view the URL but if it's being fetched by a cache, it seems to confuse the cache.  The cache server is deciding that the Content-Encoding: gzip indicates that the origin web server is HTTP compression-capable and storing two versions or sending to client browser with Vary-Encoding header. :-(  This causes the .gz file to be corrupt when using IE with HTTP/1.0 setting and not found using IE with HTTP/1.1 setting.

I know that it used to be gzip and x-gzip were used interchangeably but is there a way to ensure x-gzip is sent from the origin web server so the cache won't attempt to append the Vary-Encoding?

If you have an answer, is it possible to send me e-mail directly as I have digest subscription and would like to see the answer as soon as someone has one. :-)


Ciao ?:-)
S. Wong, WebPrincess

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- Gandhi

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