I am looking at the source code for the mod_proxy and I have a question.  If I use the following configuration statement:


<Proxy http://*.microsoft.com/*>

  Order deny,allow

  Deny from all

  Allow from 10.0.0



This will allow clients from subnet 10.0.0 to obtain pages from any Microsoft URL.  However, if I do:


 <Proxy https://*.passport.com/*>

  Order deny,allow

  Deny from all

  Allow from 10.0.0



This does not allow clients from subnet 10.0.0 to obtain pages from any SSL URL at passport.com.  If I replace the https://*.passport.com/* with just a *, then I can obtain such SSL URL through my proxy (hence allowconnect directive is not the cause).


I was trying to find out from the source how this works but I was unable to figure it out.  Can you help?



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