Hi all,

I've a stock apache 2.0.53 installation (Mandrake rpm), and I've the following situation.

I had my webserver running nicely, serving my single home page. Now I wanted to add vhosts to host a second domain on the same box, and did so in vhosts.conf (which is included in the main httpd2.conf), and now I have a very weird problem: I can only access the pages via https (port 443), not via http (port 80). Accessing via http gives an error message that I am accessing the server on a secured port (443) with normal HTTP.

I have no ssl or https configuration present in my config files, and even don't want to use it. I want http.

I've added the port 80 in my vhosts.conf file, this doesn't change anything.

The two different sites are shown when accessing it using the https:// protocols, so that part of the vhosts works!

I'm very much at a loss how this happens! Removing the include of vhosts.conf allows me to access the main page (in var/www/html, this is DocumentRoot in the main config) nicely over http. Hereby the vhosts file, feel free to visit the pages and see for yourself.

################# Named VirtualHosts
NameVirtualHost *

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName www.mymusic.hk
  ServerAlias www.mymusic.com.hk mymusic.com.hk mymusic.hk
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName www.dec-hk.com
  ServerAlias dec-hk.com
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html/dec-hk

Thanks for any help!


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