
I am trying to use exactly the same source files code for 2 websites 
hosted into 2 hosting user accounts (let's say domain1.com and 
domain2.com), i am on Direct Admin platform.

So, when i want to load  http://www.domain2.com/somecode.php   i want to 
be used  somecode.php file  from the  domain1.com hosting accoun but the 
URL in the browser to be http://www.domain2.com/somecode.php  not  

So, local paths there are

domain1.com     with local path  

domain2.com     with local path  

My rule is:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule ^/usr/home/domain1/domains/domain1\.com/public_html/(.*)$ 

Any ideea why it's not working or how it should be ?


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