On Fri, Sep 02, 2005 at 12:58:31PM +0100, eoghan wrote:
| Hello
| Im wondering if its possible to specify a file in the DocumentRoot?
| For example:
| <VirtualHost *>
| ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
| DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain/myfile.pdf
| </VirtualHost>

no, it's not allowed by apache. read

DocumentRoot directive must point to directory.
You can try to make
DocumentRoot /www/domain/htdocs
and place mypdf.pdf into that directory. In case you enabled Indexes option
for this directory, user will be able to download and see pdf document under

| So if I have a pdf located here:
| http://mysite.com/mypdf.pdf
| and i want it accessible:
| http://mysite.com/myguide/
| I know it will require adobe plugin for the user...
| If not, is there some way of doing it?
| Thanks
| Eoghan

Anatoly Pugachev

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