I say "CGI Alias" in quotations, because it's not the same type of alias that one would normally expect in Apache.

What I'm trying to do, and forgive me if it cannot be done, is make some kind of alias so that when I write CGI scripts with the header #!/usr/bin/perl for use in a linux environment, that it will also work on my win32 environment without having to change the header of every script I write.

Basically, I'm writing scripts on my local machine, which is running Windows XP with Apache 2.0.55 (with no remote access, only for me to write scripts and pages on), and I intend to have them posted on a remote linux server. I would love to have something that will simplify this for me.

I've looked on Google and in the archives best I could, but I didn't find anything. Maybe I was looking for the wrong terms, but nothing relevant came up. I found a couple of things which seemed like it was it, but turns out it was not (or I may be misunderstanding). These were ScriptAlias and ScriptInterpreterSource.

Could somebody please point me in the right direction?

Chris Babstock

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