On 11/26/05, Ronald C. F. Antony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I need is a way to give users the ability to mount their regular
> home directories via SSL secured webDAV in such a way that
> a) their regular user names and passwords apply (no separate "web
> passwords")
> b) all files are accessed by the webDAV server with the privileges of
> the user logged in, i.e. regular Unix permissions apply and files are
> created with the proper ownerships and permissions if they are uploaded.
> a) and b) are important because the users may use the files sometimes
> directly on the Linux computer, and sometimes via the WebDAV mount.
> In other words, something that requires syncing of "regular files"
> and "files in a WebDAV repository" isn't called for, and we can't
> require special permissions on the files or risk that WebDAV writes
> files with permissions that prevents the user from fully manipulating
> the files when logged in on the Linux machine proper.

The mod_dav docs:
are pretty clear that this isn't supported.  The dav repository is
private to mod_dav and cannot be shared with non-dav access methods. 
(There is no provision for proper locking in this case, so you risk
trashing your files.)  In addition, apache does not support serving
files under many different user ids, except through cgi and suexec.

So I think you'll need to rethink your basic setup here.  mod_dav is
not designed to interact with non-dav access in the way you specify.


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