Title: Message
Would anyone be able to tell me how static content gets served when using mod_proxy_ajp?
For example if I'm running apache and tomcat with the following apache configuration, who servers the static content under /jsp-examples?  Apache or Tomcat?
Alias /jsp-examples "D:/test/tomcat/webapps/jsp-examples"
<Directory "D:/test/tomcat/webapps/jsp-examples">
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  allow from all
ProxyPass /jsp-examples ajp://localhost:8009/jsp-examples
ProxyPassReverse /jsp-examples ajp://localhost:8009/jsp-examples
This above configuration allows jsps to be served correctly, but I want to make sure that Apache is serving any static content under the /jsp-examples directory and not Tomcat.  Thanks in advance.

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