Theres no way of passing info from a form to set the variables 'HTTP_AUTH_USER' ad HTTP_AUTH_USER but I have found a way around it but never put it into practice yet.
You can still use your existing form to login and create a session variable as their user name eg $_SESSION['username'] = 'user1'
Then, lets say you have a folder www.example.com/user1 which you want to restrict access to 'user1' only, in the folder user1, create a .htaccess file with the following info
AddHandler verifyuser .gif
AddHandler verify .jpg
// add extra lines for other file types etc
Action verify /login/verify.user1.php
//this is relative to the root of your website ie www.yousite.com/login/verify.user1.php
Then each time the user accesses a .jpg, .gif file etc, it will first go through the verify.user1.php script.
verify.user1.php needs to be written as follows

if ($_SESSION['username'] == "user1"){
echo 'invalid username'


Basically this will display the original file they were trying to access if there username is user1 otherwise it will display the message invalid username.

For other user folders eg www.yoursite.com/user2 , you will have to again add a htaccess file in the folder and use the add handler as above to link to a script like verify.user2.php

Hope this helps

Regards, Chris.


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