At 11:11 AM 1/24/2006, Rodrigo Monteiro wrote:

I'm using the httpd authentication (.htaccess and .htpasswd) for an
cgi-bin/test dir. What I'm trying to do is another cgi (in shell
script) that changes this file (cgi-bin/test/.htpasswd). I'm using the
-m parameter in htpasswd to create the users.
# cat .htpasswd
The user is admin and the password is admin.
How can I encrypt the string "admin" to compare with the string in the

Rodrigo I would approach this by using Perl's backtick operator to execute the htpasswd system command from within the program.

my $tmpPW = '/tmp/pswd';
my $res = `htpasswd -cb $tmpPW admin admin`;

if($res eq 'Adding password for user admin')
#  read $tmpPW and your .htpasswd file
#  compare and act accordingly
#  delete (Perl unlink function) $tmpPW
else { die "htpasswd command failed: $!\n" }

Just an overview of how I'd code it.

FWIW it looks to me like you're trying to write a password application using htaccess as your base. Personally I'd not got that way, ymmv.


Marty Landman, Face 2 Interface Inc. 845-679-9387
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