By way of reply, I have installed the UseCanonicalName directive, and set it to on, but the system still cannot find the site which I have defined inside of hosts on the client as simply “php


The server still responds with a global lookup.


My vhosts-conf file looks like this:




<VirtualHost *:80>


    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

    DocumentRoot "C:/WWW/niknet"

    #ErrorLog C:/WWW/niknet/logs/error.log

    #CustomLog C:/WWW/niknet/logs/access.log combined



<VirtualHost *:80>

    ServerName php

    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

    DocumentRoot "C:/WWW/php"



Apologies for the subject – it was 2am and I wasn’t really awake. However it is pertinent – the site cannot be found locally.


From: Nick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 February 2006 02:08
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] PHP file not found.


Hello there, I am using xampp with Apache 2.20 to test my site hosting. The system is hosted on a virtual PC – yes, I know. I’m working on it.


I have edited my hosts file to point to the virtual machine’s IP address, but the only site, regardless of the URL I type in reverts to the first virtual host.


Is there a way of editing vhosts-conf to show the site appropriate to the URL put into the browser?


What am I doing wrong here?


All help gratefully received.



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