
>  (13)Permission denied: exec of '/etc/nagios/sbin/status.cgi' failed, 
> referer:
> [Thu Mar 09 14:55:01 2006] [error] end of script headers: status.cgi, 
> referer:

Something that has nothing to do with your problem: /etc/ is probably
not the best place to install cgi in. You should place in /etc/ only
configuration files, and put nagios for instance in /usr/local

> When I run the script from the command line it works.
> I have used SUEXECGROUP but it did not seam to resolve the issues.
> I believe it is an issues with Apache. Can someone point me in the right 
> direction to > getting this resolved?

Maybe a stupid question but did you verify that your cgi scripts have
executable file permissions?



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