On 3/13/06, Boyle Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dotan Cohen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Well, I put the ServerRoot back where it was and added the
> > DocumentRoot, tryin both of these:
> > DocumentRoot /home/dotancohen/www/public_html
> > DocumentRoot "/home/dotancohen/www/public_html"
> >
> > But after restarting the server (after each change), it _still_ does
> > not change!!!
> > What must I do?!?
> Browser caching? Try:
No, I do CTRL-R in firefox from localhost.

> - shift-Reload (forces the browser to re-request the file)
> - clear the browser cache and reload
> - kill the browser and restart it
Thanks, tried those too.

> Is this on the web? what's the URL?
No, localhost

> Do you have wget? Try wget <your-site>... what do you get in the file it
> creates?
> Try command-line access:
> $ telnet <your-site> 80
> GET / HTTP/1.0
> (hit return twice)
> >I'm getting very frustrated.
> Welcome to computing...
Have any marriage tips?

Tell me, might it be that DocumentRoot _is_ declared somewhere else,
overriding my config? I ran "grep /var/www -R *" on /etc and got this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc# grep /var/www -R *
grep: alternatives/rmic.1.gz: No such file or directory
grep: alternatives/rmic: No such file or directory
grep: alternatives/firefox-homepage: No such file or directory
grep: alternatives/netscape-javaplugin.so: No such file or directory
apache/httpd.conf:<Directory /var/www/>
apache/httpd.conf:   Alias /perl/ /var/www/perl/
apache2/sites-available/default:        DocumentRoot /var/www/
apache2/sites-available/default:        <Directory /var/www/>
apache2/sites-enabled/000-default:      DocumentRoot /var/www/
apache2/sites-enabled/000-default:      <Directory /var/www/>
grep: cups/pdftops.conf: No such file or directory

Should I go in there and change those files? Is there something that I
am not understanding?

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