On 4/3/06, Bgs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I have:
> Several frontends, with different IPs. They hold several vhosts and are
> loadbalanced. So they have virtualhost entries for an external IP, the
> main fqdn for the specific site, and some aliases including a
> webXX.domain.com stile name for testing individual frontends... (for
> example web01.domain.com, web02.domain.com, etc.).
> They only differ in their IP and the XX in webXX. I'd like to have a
> main configuration (possibly included from a network share) for all
> frontends. So my config would look simething like:
> <VirtualHost %IP>
>   ServerName domain.com
>   ServerAlias www.domain.com web%NUM.domain.com
> ...
> </VirtualHost>
> I hope this clarifies. I will skim through the addon link you sent me
> though.

If I were to do this, I would use a simple config pre-processor to
substitute out the variables.  That is a robust, simple, and
easy-to-impliment solution.

I believe that you can actually use env-variables in httpd.conf using
something like ${env-variable}; but this is undocumented and perhaps


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