I'm using Action on a handler created by AddHandler and it works just
fine but Action takes a virtual path as second argument so the file must
be in the web root directory for the vhost. I'd like to use a predefined
Alias pointing to a global place in the file system for the Action. This
is an example of what i'm doing right now.
<VirtualHost ip:port>
<Directory /web/root>
AddHandler php-v4 .php
Action php-v4 /cgi-bin/program.cgi
This works but requires us to put the binary executable file in each web
root directory for each vhost. This is what we want to do but it
produces 500 errors.
Alias /cgi-bin /usr/home/cgi-bin
<VirtualHost ip:port>
<Directory /web/root>
AddHandler php-v4 .php
Action php-v4 /cgi-bin/program.cgi
I'm using Apache HTTPD 2.2.0 for all of this.
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Stefan Midjich aka nocturnal
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