Hello Matthew,

I'm guessing that the confusion is the difference between <Directory> and <Location> blocks. Directory blocks reference the filesystem, location blocks are relative to the docroot and can be virtual.

Matt Bockol

I'm having a terrible time configuring something that is pretty basic with apache and I'm not sure what I'm missing. I have a new apache 2.0.55 install (on redhat 3.0) with mod_auth built in (the default). I am trying to put some basic authentication on some directories off of the the docroot, but no matter what I do, I don't get the authentication challenge when accessing the directory. Here's my httpd.conf virtual host: <VirtualHost>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    DocumentRoot /u01/webpages/sparky
    ServerName sparky.arrowinternet.com
    ErrorLog /u01/logs/sparky.arrrowinternet.com-error.log
    CustomLog /u01/logs/sparky.arrrowinternet.com-access.log combined
        <Directory /blah >
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Sparky Realm"
        AuthUserFile /u01/app/apache2055/users
        Options Indexes
        Require valid-user
I've already created the user/password file with htpasswd. I am not using .htaccess files (I don't think this is necessary) since the documentation states I can either edit the httpd.conf file, or put the settings within an .htaccess file. I'm not sure what I'm missing here. I know it must be something very basic, but I'm just missing it. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks, Matt

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