Hello *,

I finally got a working configuration for Apache 2.2.0 the authenticate against an MS Active Directory Server via mod_authnz_ldap

Important is the directive:          AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off


--------------------- snip ---------------------------------
LDAPSharedCacheSize 102400
        LDAPCacheEntries 1024
        LDAPCacheTTL 600
        LDAPOpCacheEntries 1024
        LDAPOpCacheTTL 600

        # LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_BASE64 <pfad auf CA file>
        # LDAPTrustedMode SSL
        # LDAPVerifyServerCert Off # mit On gehts bei mir nicht

  <Location /otrs>

        ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/index.pl
        SetHandler  perl-script
        PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
        Options +ExecCGI
        PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
        PerlOptions +SetupEnv

AuthLDAPBindDN CN=LDAP,OU=Unix,OU=Admins,OU=Workers,DC=ads,DC=mydomain,DC=com
         AuthLDAPBindPassword  viewonly
AuthLDAPURL ldap:// OU=Workers,DC=ads,DC=mydomain,DC=com?sAMAccountName?sub? (objectClass=person)
         AuthBasicProvider ldap
         AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
         AuthType Basic
         AuthName "Please authenticate"
# Require ldap-group OU=Admins,OU=Workers,DC=ads,DC=mydomain,DC=com
         # Require ldap-user
         Require valid-user


---------------------- snap --------------------------------------

kind regards


Am 24.04.2006 um 14:32 schrieb Falko Zurell:

Hi *,

here again my question:

Has anyone successfully configured Apache 2.2 to authenticate against a MS Active Directory Server (via mod_authnz_ldap)?

Please give a note to me.


F a l k o  Z u r e l l
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