On Wed, 26 Apr 2006, Warhurst, SI (Spencer) wrote:

I'm currently wrestling with the set up of SSL on Apache (on Windows) and I have the 
server up and running and accepting https connections etc. When I first connect to the 
website from my browser (IE in this case) I get the warning regarding the certificate (I 
have set up a test certificate), which is fine. However every page I subsequently go to I 
get a "do you want to display nonsecure items" dialog and it's quite 
irritating. I suspect a browser setting is partly to blame, except I don't get the 
message when I go to other sites with https implementations such as Amazon. I presume the 
nonsecure items are the images on the page, but Amazon has images too. SO is there 
something in the SSL config that might cause the browser to generate these messages?

I suspect the problem is that the page contains non-secure URLs to such things as images and style sheets that are loaded by the browser in order to render the page.

If your page is https://www.domain.ac.uk/index.html and it contains
<img src='http://www.domain.ac.uk/image.jpg'>
you'll get the warning.

If it contains
<img src='/image.jpg'>
<img src='https://www.domain.ac.uk/image.jpg'>
then you won't.


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