I’m reconstructing a web server after inadvertently (and stupidly) deleting Apache2’s ./conf directory instead of copying it to a safe place L.  I’m using a fraternal twin of that web server as a model and file source to recreate that ./conf directory.  I believe I’ve restored all of the required files, but the web site doesn’t yet display its home page (“The page cannot be displayed”). I think it’s probably first-and-goal and I’m on the one foot line.  I’m now going thru the error logs looking for hints.


There’s an Apache Tomcat5 service running, and a workers2.properties file seems to tie it and Apache2 together.  My httpd.conf file contains the following:


LoadModule jk2_module modules/mod_jk2.so

<IfModule mod_jk2.so>


    # Where to find the workers2.properties file



    JkSet config.file "F:/www/Apache2/conf/workers2.properties"



I’m unable


There’s one line in logs/error.log I can’t quite figure out:


… [error] config.setConfig(): Error reading properties F:/www/apache2/conf/workers2.properties


Can someone please explain to me what “properties” this error message is referring to?



Robert G. (Doc) Savage, CISSP, RHCE, GCIA

Senior Systems Analyst

BAE Systems Information Technology

USTranscom J6-PI (TFMS)


DSN: 779-3275  Fax: 576-4578


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