This is the rewrite rule for my Reference section, which works:

RewriteRule ^Reference/([a-zA-Z0-9()_/-]+)/?$ Reference/index.php?ref=$1 [L]

I'd like to also create a similar Glossary section, like this:

RewriteRule ^Glossary/([a-zA-Z0-9()_/-]+)/?$ Glossary/index.php?glos=$1 [L]

Except I'd like the URL to be MySite/Reference/Glossary. In other words, the Glossary folder will be inside the Reference folder. So I created a new page at Reference/Glossary/index.php, then changed my mod-rewrite rules, as follows:

RewriteRule ^Reference/Glossary/([a-zA-Z0-9()_/-]+)/?$ Reference/Glossary/index.php?glos=$1 [L]

RewriteRule ^Reference/([a-zA-Z0-9()_/-]+)/?$ Reference/index.php?ref=$1 [L]

It now correctly displays URL's with text appended to Reference/Glossary, like MySite/Reference/Glossary/politics. However, I can no longer view the Glossary home page. If I type in MySite/Reference/Glossary, it defaults to http://ivr/Reference/Glossary/?ref=Glossary, and I get a custom Page Not Found error, where I used to get a real page. How can I fix this?


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