I strongly recommend going straight to Apache 2.2  and Tomcat 5.5. You can get rid of the (in my opinion horrible) mod_jk setups and all the tricky stuff involved with setting up Tomcat connectors. Over the past 4 years of working with Apache and Tomcat,  I wasted 2 days getting Apache 1.3 to talk to Tomcat 3, 1 day getting Apache 2.0 on Unix to talk to Tomcat 4 (never did get it to work in Windows). It only took about an hour to connect Apache 2.2 to Tomcat 5.5 . Tomcat 5.5 also supports separate files to configure each webapp instead of glomming it all in server.xml, a huge win for the configuration management and risk management camps.

From: Colleen Cubitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 11:00 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache and Tomcat 4.0.6

We are now using Apache 1.3.31 and Tomcat 4.0.6 on Unix.  We want to upgrade the Apache to 2.0.  Just wondering if anyone has done this, or if this will cause problems with Tomcat.

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