Hi All:
After upgrading to WIN32 APACHE 2.0.58 (binaries courtesy of Hunter's site - !! THANKS HUNTER !! )..... we had a customer note that .PDF files on our site cannot be displayed in their IE browser. We discovered that if we turn off MOD_DEFLATE, PDF's can be opened again. The eviro is Win2k.
The auto "download and open" procedure associated with the .PDF file type fails if MOD-DELFATE is configured -- The user's browser reports the .PDF file is damaged and cannot be opened. The "problem file" stays in the user's browser's temporary internet files cache, so even after the server is restarted with MOD-DEFLATE turned off.... the user has to clear the browser cache before being able to load and display the PDF correctly.
Anybody else had this problem?
Thanks and have a great day!

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