Is your LDAP server configured to allow anonymous searches? If not you'll need to use the BindDN and BindPW (I think that was the word, but you get the picture) directives.


Iftikhar Rathore wrote:
I am having a lot of trouble getting my users authenticated using
mod_authnz_ldap. There is not much info anywhere and google couldn't
help. And example .htaccess file would help greatly.

I have the .htaccess here (besides this .htaccess no other change has
been done to the default apache installation)

AuthType Basic
AuthName Mine
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
AuthLDAPURL ldap://localhost:389/ou=People,dc=zoreresearch,dc=com?uid
require valid-user

Whenever I try to authenticate (I do get the firefox login window
pop-up), but it does not authenticate when I give my name "uadmin" and
password. (I get the login pop-up back) and get this message.

[Wed Jun 14 18:56:04 2006] [error] [client] access to /
failed, reason: verification of user id 'uadmin' not configured

Here are the particulars
The user is uid=uadmin,ou=People,dc=zoreresearch,dc=com
Apache version 2.2.0
Fedora Core 5 (2.6.16)

Any help will be appreciated, is there any way of getting that module to
dump some debug info?


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