First let me say that I hope this is the proper mailing list for my
question.  If that's not the case, please redirect me and I'll be
happy to post there.

I'm taking over an application that currently includes an Apache
module written to redirect web traffic to one or more virtual hosts.
In looking at what it does, I'm wondering whether I can accomplish the
same thing with mod_rewrite and not have to worry about:  1)
rebuilding the module for each version of Apache and 2) compiling for
multiple versions on multiple platforms (windows, linux, solaris -

Here's what the module does (and, consequently, what I need mod_rewrite to do):
1.  Operate within one or more virtual hosts, but not necessarily within others
2.  By default, redirect all incoming traffic to a single point of
entry (e.g. mylandingpage.php) which will then redirect as needed
3.  Forward the originally requested URL to the landing page (this is
the part that might be the killer).  Our current module writes a
request header with this info that is read by the landing page.
4.  Accept or allow a list of excluded directories which should *not*
be redirected.  For example, I have a directory "/se" which must be
delivered without first accessing the landing page.

The more I read, the more it seems like this might be accomplished
using mod_rewrite rather than a custom module, but I'd like some
confirmation from others with more experience than I have and, if
possible, a sample configuration that implements such a scenario.

Any insight, suggestions or assistance with this would be very much
appreciated.  Thank you.

Rob Wilkerson

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