Nick Kew wrote:
On Friday 18 August 2006 12:26, LDB wrote:

So I cannot have both /readit for WebDAV and for viewing?

You can view a DAV directory!

Alias /readit /srv/www/readit
<Directory "/srv/www/readit">
        Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
        AllowOverride None
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from all

That's fine, but

<Location /readit>

refers to the same directory, given your Alias

        Dav On

And that overrides your other settings (and contradicts the Alias)

        SetHandler server-status

As does that!  Good grief, what are you trying?

I have users that I need to please. :) I told them this is NOT
wise but I was overridden .. :)

So how do I have both WebDAV enabled and viewing enabled?



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