Title: Installation problem for apache2.2.3

Hi all,

I am having a problem when trying to install apache2.2.3.

I am running hpux11.00, there is apache1.3.3 running as well.  Now I try to install apache2.2.3 with php, so that the enable-so is require on the installation.  However, when I run make, it thrown an "ld: Can't find dependent library "libapr-1.sl.2"" error.  I also tried to build apr and apr-util separately and configure apache with --with-apr and --with-apr-util, it still give me the same error.  There is no permission issue, LDFLAGS is set pointing to the path where libapr-1.sl.2 is located, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set, SHLIB_PATH is set, and added the record to /etc/ld.so.conf, but the error just isn't going away.

Anyone has any idea of what did I miss?

Thanks in advance,

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