I have the following in my httpd.conf file for a paritcular virtual host for ldap authentication via my domain controller
I have modified the username and password for security reasons....  

  <Location "/">

    AuthName "Protected Site"
    AuthType Basic

    AuthLDAPURL ldap://xxx.xxx.xxx:389/cn=xxxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxxxx?xxxxxx
    AuthLDAPBindDN  "cn=xxxxxx,cn=users,dc=xxxx,dc=xxxxx"
    AuthLDAPBindPassword "XXXXXXXX"
    AuthLDAPAuthoritative off
    require valid-user

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
    order allow,deny
    allow from all



i am testing this internally in our network but when i type the username and password at the login prompt i get the following error message in my error.log
[Tue Oct 17 11:54:42 2006] [crit] [client xxxxxxxx] configuration error:  couldn't check user.  No user file?: /

[Tue Oct 17 11:54:43 2006] [crit] [client xxxxxxx] configuration error:  couldn't check user.  No user file?: /favicon.ico
I don't not see any traffic on the firewall indicating that it is communicating with the domain controller. I had the same configuration on a FC2 box with apache 2.0 but the following started to occur when i upgraded the box to FC5 with apace 2.2.  ldap is installed properly because i used ldapsearch to perform a basic query against my domain controller which returned results.        
Please help !!! thanks a bunch

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