On 11/9/06, Leonardo Neves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I changed configuration. Mandriva's default configuration is:

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>

    # <Proxy> - Container for directives affecting resources located
in the proxied location
    <Proxy *>
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
    #    Allow from .your-domain.com
    # ProxyRequests - on if the true proxy requests should be accepted
    ProxyRequests On

In this environment, apache will return code 403 for those:
    ProxyPass /compras
    ProxyPassReverse /compras

Is there any alternative? Is it possible to limit access to known

Have you read the documentation yet?  In particular

You can solve your problem by turning
ProxyRequests Off
And putting Allow from all in the <Proxy> block.

You should file a bug report with Mandriva telling them to put
"ProxyRequests Off" in their default config.  Many more people want a
reverse proxy than a forward proxy.


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